Amsterdam French Fries

This entry will be about specifically the French fries of Amsterdam. As the followers of this blog know, I’ve already published some articles about the Dutch Cuisine however; I want to mention the famous French fries of Amsterdam in depth. 

 This picture is from Amsterdam. Amsterdam is a famous city because of its famous french fries.

Almost everybody loves “French fries”. Nowadays it is consumed all over the world. Some people prefer to eat home-made French fries whereas some people like eating them out. Today “French fries” seem as indispensable elements of fast food. It can be eaten in restaurants as a supplementary of main courses whereas basically it can be bought from french fries vendors on streets. As you can see from these examples, it is really widely involved in our daily life. It is the common element of different cuisines.
 French Fries - Hamburger Combination. This picture is from Hard-Rock Cafe Prague. French Fries are served generally with Hamburger. 

Certainly I am not talking about Mc Donald’s french fries or Burger King’s. This french fries is made in Netherlands and Belgium. At this region, fries is really popular and eaten very much, and there are countless touristic places selling “french fries” on the streets. I am really wondering why french fries became very popular in this region while patotes firstly discovered in South America, and it’s most typical French national meal as you can easily guess from its name. Nevertheless, when you are visiting Netherlands, you can easily realize that there are numerous french fries vendors and see its big popularity contrary to most other countries.
 Even, it seems really easy to prepare, it is quite difficult thing to eat tasty french fries in every place. First of all, the selection of potatoes is very important because the starch content of potatoes gives the main taste and behavior against to higher temperatures of oil. Normally, potato has a huge amount of starch and protein.
Its 20 per cent is starch whereas 12 percent is protein.
This nutritious food had entered our kitchen quite late. It is discovered in South America continent and after 16th century, it is brought to Europe by Spanish sailors. Then, cultivation of potatoes had started in French in 1540’s. It had become a popular vegetable in French and it became widespread in Europe day by day.

Secondly, frying of potatoes is not very simple process however nowadays there are lots of technological devices that help us to control the temperature and time during the frying. Thanks to food engineering discipline, today it is possible to find semi-cooked frozen potatoes which require less time to fry and they can be kept in the fridge for a long time. Frozen potatoes now are sold in all supermarkets and it can be a good choice for a fast dinner if you have worked all the day! 

Nowadays french fries accompany generally, hamburgers, fried fishes, and fried chicken. It has a pretty high amount of calorie due to starch content of potatoes and the remaining oil from the frying. Although they are full of energy nobody tries to give up eating them.

French Fries Vendors and other fast-food establishments tend to offer a number of different sauces for the fries and meats in Amsterdam. In addition to ketchup and mayonnaise, it is common to offer many others, with popular options including.

Sauce Andalouse – mayonnaise with tomato paste and peppers.
Curry mayonnaise
Garlic mayonnaise
Pepper-sauce - mayonnaise with green pepper, garlic, glucose.
Tartar Sauce - Based on mayonnaise, in the UK, it is made with whole eggs, white wine vinegar and oil, with the addition of chopped capers, chopped gherkins, a squeeze of lemon juice and chopped tarragon. The sauce is typically of a rough consistency.
Mustard Sauce
Barbeque Sauce

French fries with different shapes:
Curly Fries
Crinkle Cut Fries


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