Review: Gelateria Matteo

After two entries about Southern Italian cuisine, still I keep on writing about the same subject. I think that it’s so difficult to summarize all the things about this cuisine in 3-4 entries due to the fact that there are numerous different tastes that we need to talk about. Today, it’s time to talk about also the famous ice-cream types of this region. Although Rome has fame all over the world thanks to its delicious ice-cream, you can always find some places for tasting yummy “gelato” in all Italy, especially in the South. This entry will not be a definition and presentation about ice-cream. I’ll share my impressions about the ice-cream types of especially one place. It’s quite famous “Gelateria”(ice-cream parlor) and also is located very close to my campus. I’m talking about “Gelateria Matteo”.
Gelateria Matteo - It's one of the most interesting ice-cream parlor in Italy. If you think of visiting South Italy, this should be one of the places that you come!!

Forget your habits! This place doesn’t sell only the types that we’ve already got used to, we are talking about Ice-cream with onion, Ice-cream with zucchini, Ice-cream with tomatoes!!! For trying them you have to be courageous, don’t you? You can say that, it’s disgusting or you are sure that you aren’t going to like them, however first you need to get rid of your prejudgments than, you need to try them.   
 Amazing Ice-cream parlor ! The types that can be seen from the picture: Ice-cream types with POP-CORN - CODFISH - ONION - TOMATO - GARLIC - ZUCCHINI - OCTOPUS !!!

This photo isn't fake! All these types are available everyday and waiting for you! Normally I couldn't taste all of them; however I ate the types with onion and pasta-bean! In my opinion these types are not for eating till the end. I ate them just for tasting because I respect to their attempt and I like tasting different tastes!

 Pop-Corn with Ice-cream !! At least you should try it! :)

I like this kind of places because they are so innovative and they are trying to commercialize the different types. All other ice-cream sellers are producing the main types and earning money. But they are trying to do different things and at least they are selling them even if they lose some money.
 You can also see other types from this photo. Maybe the most interesting one is ice-cream with rocket!

Apart from the different types, they are selling "normal" ice-creams as well. It's a famous place not only because of its different types of ice-cream but also other normal types of ice-creams. 
Fruit based ice-creams! They are making ice-creams with all kind of fruits. Other types are for tasting, these types for eating. 
As I've said before, it's very famous ice-cream parlour. This place appeared lots of times on newspapers! 

 What's more, it's possible to find another type of ice-cream as well in this place. They are producing fruit filled with ice cream. When you visit, you need to taste them as well !! It's so interesting !!

Where is "Gelateria Matteo"?
   Via del Centenario, 130, 84084 Fisciano Salerno, Italia
   +39 089 957396 ‎ ·
Visit it's web-site. You can also order the ice-creams online or by phone. English version of the website is also available. They have really good sales and marketing chain !!
As it can be seen, there are countless types of different tastes in South Italy. This entry was about the ice-cream types. I strongly recommend you to visit this place and taste these ice-creams. Come here, Not in order to feel yourself full, just for trying different types !


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