
Everybody loves “Cola”. It is consumed in almost all countries. Although there are lots of different companies produce “Cola” there are several famous companies all over the world. One of them is “Coca Cola”. Coca Cola is the first producer of Cola and its taste is unique in the world. The other companies are trying to produce a product similar with “Coca Cola”. Basically it is a carbonated drink produced with water, sugar, CO2 and “syrup”. This syrup is a little bit complicated and everyone is discussing about its ingredients. Some ingredients of this syrup are known now however these discusses still keep going. Definitely there is a “secret” component that is providing the unique taste.  If we don’t care about these polemics, “Coca Cola” is still the most famous Cola Company and it is one of the most famous company all over the world. 

If we turn to our subject, there are various companies producing Cola. Pepsi is the other very famous company all over the world. After 1950’s Pepsi increased its popularity with advertisements. Its components are very similar to “Coca Cola”. In fact from our knowledge we know that it is produced with water, sugar and CO2 as well and also some herbal things. Besides Coca Cola and Pepsi, there are some small and domestic companies that produce Cola all over the world.
As everybody did, before my trips, I am always searching about the places that I am going to visit on internet. Before my travel to Bratislava and Prague, I did some researches on blogs, travel web-sites and I discovered that they have a special cola. It is original Slovak Cola !! I was very happy and I thought that it will be a great experience for me (a person likes tasting different foods :)
When I arrived to Bratislava, one of the first thing that I made is buying one bottle of “Kofola”. The taste of “Kofola” is very interesting.  I think that this company has no claim to produce a similar product to “Coca Cola”. It is a different product and it has different taste. 

Kofola has less CO2 and less sugar and after your first mouthful you can realize its herbal component. Besides “original Kofola” there is kind with cherry :)
After the trip in Bratislava, I traveled to Wien and then Prague. I did not see Kofola’s products in Austria but I saw it in Czech Republic.
If you travel to Bratislava or Prague one day, Please Do NOT turn back to your country without tasting “KOFOLA” !!!! 

Find out more details about Kofola here


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